
FatherOfLights88 t1_jdjdq10 wrote

Do you honestly think that you're the only person in the world who communicates like you do? Your first post was not "just a question". It was an attempt to 'judge as worthy' or 'discredit'. There's a part in the dark recesses of your mind that thinks it knows better.

Until you correct the disagreeable part of your character, this "conversation" will continue to be nothing but circular, boring, and uninspired.


FatherOfLights88 t1_jdjbgsm wrote

You're defining the terms of the conversation as if you have some control over things, which you don't.

Me? I don't care about what you think is happening here. There are plenty of people in the world who know how to insert themselves into a conversation that started before they entered the metaphorical room who don't require constant social correction. I'd rather deal with them than the chip on your shoulder.

In case it has not fully sunk in yet, I'm not going to give you what you're demanding from me. While I'm sure you're likeable in some places of the world, I don't find you particularly pleasant after the way you barged in here. Pretentious and entitled don't win points.


FatherOfLights88 t1_j068pwa wrote

Though they all act quite differently from each other, they tend to carry the same ability(?) to raise the user up out of their pain so that they can see the wounding(?) while not being overwhelmed by it. From this perspective, it's so much easier to see the pain for what it is, feel it, and then stitch the torn pieces back together.

Everything after that is integrating the sessions onto regular(?) reality and paying attention to how things feel different from before. It's pretty remarkable just how much progress a can be made in such a short time.

*(?) = questionable word choice.


FatherOfLights88 t1_iwp8qd1 wrote

The "safe guards" in place don't really exist to protect retail investors.

This will come across as hyperbole, but it's not. What you see going on in the world right now, the chaos, the blatant display of corruption in politics and business... that's nothing compared to the irredeemable cesspool that is the US financial system. It won't be much longer before that's laid bare for all to see.

The amount of blatant fraud, counterfeiting, and theft is staggering.


FatherOfLights88 t1_iwp1qn4 wrote

To add to the above, FTX offered "tokenized" stocks, meaning that a token was the same as a share of the company offered. I came as no surprise when it was discovered that none of the underlying securities had actually been purchased. He was just taking money and doing what he wanted with it.

This is part of a greater scam going on where all kinds of regulatory hoops are completed skirted in order to maintain a system that is more fraudulent than your worst nightmares have imagined.