FawksyBoxes t1_j6swr92 wrote
Reply to comment by KamikazeArchon in How will AI powered deep fakes and voice mods affect the future of the criminal justice system? by originmsd
Almost all printers print an invisible to the naked eye dots that show the date time and IP of where it was printed for exactly this reason. This is why most printers require color even when printing in Black and White.
FawksyBoxes t1_j2ziczz wrote
Reply to comment by ShadyAidyX in Aviation industry turns to used cooking oil to achieve carbon neutrality by SunCloud-777
But big macs aren't fried
FawksyBoxes t1_j2kfb1k wrote
Reply to comment by Bojack35 in Four-Day Workweek Going Well Globally, Study Says by Sariel007
Flexible hours makes it sound like I Would still get paid the same wage. Like I can say I'm only going to work 4 days at my current job and they will accommodate. But I'm talking about 4 days 32 hours being the base line like 5 days 40 hours across the board. You work more than that you get Overtime and such.
FawksyBoxes t1_j2kbni6 wrote
Reply to comment by Bojack35 in Four-Day Workweek Going Well Globally, Study Says by Sariel007
True, but there are plenty of people that an extra day off would be beneficial mentally and physically. Like I'd love to have a day to dedicate to a hobby, or just making visiting friends or family easier
FawksyBoxes t1_j2k9m34 wrote
Reply to comment by Bojack35 in Four-Day Workweek Going Well Globally, Study Says by Sariel007
The idea of the 4 day work week is they still pay you the same as when you worked 5.
FawksyBoxes t1_j1rxsx7 wrote
Reply to comment by mu_taunt in The civilians caught up in the Russian shelling attack on the city of Kherson early on Dec. 24 suffered a horrific catalog of injuries, from eye injuries to the loss of lower limbs by sviterochec
Even if they agreed I wouldn't trust it, they've broken every other cease fire. Including one to allow civilians to leave a city under siege. They broke that by firing on the humanitarian passageways that were made.
FawksyBoxes t1_j177yhz wrote
Reply to comment by GabeTheJerk in Louisiana conservatives consider ban on liberal business agendas by positive_X
They switched to the Republican party after the Civil rights act was signed
FawksyBoxes t1_j0n07zl wrote
Reply to comment by KarmicWhim in [WP] Your super power is preventing collateral damage. While the public thinks you're useless, all the other heroes really like you because they can go bonkers all out while you're around. by Time_Significance
Too late, this is the 18th time you've interviewed me
FawksyBoxes t1_j079dd2 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Cancer mRNA vaccine completes pivotal trial by ILikeTasks
If you are on medicare if I remember correctly.
FawksyBoxes t1_iyj7cqb wrote
Reply to comment by JamesXX in Utah looks to Florida for mental health and chronic homelessness solutions by Jinaman
Misleading title, should have led with Miami-Dade county. Florida for the most part is terrible for policies. Miami is mostly Democratic area.
FawksyBoxes t1_iyea6bu wrote
Please put down your weapon you have 20 seconds to comply
FawksyBoxes t1_iydvmi1 wrote
Reply to comment by Kurotan in "graphics aren't everything" by mlvart
It was the logo for the Lambda Complex, where they were developing the portal tech in Black Mesa. It was the super top secret area of the top seceret facility
FawksyBoxes t1_ixrehqg wrote
Reply to comment by TheDeadlyCat in Researchers 3D-printed a fully recyclable house from natural materials | Engadget by PxN13
I would hope they would charge less because of the cheaper materials. But the cynical side of me just feels like they would pocket the reduced cost and charge the same amount.
FawksyBoxes t1_ix1azkl wrote
Reply to comment by morenewsat11 in FIFA head says fans 'will survive' without beer at World Cup by Ananas7
Except they made Brazil change their laws about beer in stadiums "because the fans have a right to drinking beer."
Brazil must have paid a lower bribe
FawksyBoxes t1_iuk41r0 wrote
Reply to comment by HiddenThinks in [WP] "First of all calling me a "filthy troll" is very hurtful, and second of all I put all the labor and expense to build and maintain this bridge on my own, so I think it's quite reasonable to charge a toll unless you want to forge the river yourself!" by RoboJoe9000
And then the troll just picks it up and walks off with it XD
FawksyBoxes t1_isqxd8j wrote
Reply to comment by shamefulthoughts1993 in A 'game-changer' for millions of Americans: You can now buy hearing aids over the counter by zDraxi
... I mean I bet they are cheaper than prescription ones. Which will force the price down.
FawksyBoxes t1_isqx931 wrote
Reply to comment by kmo9e in A 'game-changer' for millions of Americans: You can now buy hearing aids over the counter by zDraxi
Only if you are far sighted, I'm near sighted
FawksyBoxes t1_is7fehk wrote
Reply to comment by Commercial-Stuff402 in Smelling in VR environment possible with new gaming technology by geoxol
I normally have my fan facing me for anything I tend to turn or adjust manually, like Boneworks. That way I can make sure to correct myself and not end up smacking my bed or desk if I turn too far XD
FawksyBoxes t1_j7gog5m wrote
Reply to comment by Gnarly_Starwin in PsBattle: Fox standing on hind legs. by sampeng1
gasp The Flying Foxes of the yard!