
FeedbackSpecific642 t1_j29iilx wrote

My absolute favourite part of the bible is the bit where Moses is leading his people through the desert for years. Due to lack of food, water and because of sickness a lot of them start dying. They petition Moses to go and have a word with God for some relief which he duly does. Following their conversation God is so angry at the ingratitude of the people that he sends a load of fiery serpents to smite even more of them.

I found that bit hilarious. As if people who were dying in agony from the fiery serpents would die thinking, “Remember the good times when we only died from thirst, hunger and disease?”


FeedbackSpecific642 t1_j0tl81y wrote

I read a lot, every type of book. I read Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek and found out all the toxic shit my boss was doing with me. Got reallocated to a different supervisor and the original one left the company less than two years later. Every book I read has something to teach me if I pay attention.