
FennelSuperb7633 t1_j5mln9i wrote

To be fair, dental is worse in other countries that I’ve lived in. I paid the same in Italy as I would have paid here, and it took me a year to get into dentist on the NHS in the UK, so I paid out of pocket there too. Oh In Italy, I had to pay cash to get that price and the dentist were definitely not as advanced as we have here. No one in Italy is making crowns in the back with 3d printers, like my dentist here does.


FennelSuperb7633 t1_j36rgne wrote

I 100% agree with this. But isn’t the train more expensive than flying these days. We’re talking $50 dollar flights on Spirit. I haven’t seen Amtrak tickets for less than $150. I find Amtrak to be pretty expensive. Where are you finding these cheap train tickets — I’m generally interested because I’m planning a trip.


FennelSuperb7633 t1_j1siyjq wrote

Reply to comment by m2199 in Leasing Offices are Impossible by m2199

I think you’re getting a lot of flack about moving site-unseen. I moved here about three months ago and that was also my only choice. It worked out fine for me — we actually love our apartment. We wouldn’t have picked this neighborhood if we knew any better, but it’s not bad either. I’ve moved quite a lot internationally and often do site-unseen and haven’t had a whole lot of issues. And you’re renting, so you can move in a year.

Regarding customer service, it sucks everywhere you go and across industries now a days. Honestly, people don’t want to do their jobs and employers can’t find good people. The service in our building has been great, and that is actually one of the reasons we chose it even though the neighborhood was a little less desirable.


FennelSuperb7633 t1_iv8fgew wrote

About two weeks ago my wife was walking in Brookland around Menomale pizzeria. While she was crossing the street with a walk signal a man was tuning right. He actually waived to her with his index finger not to cross, even though she had a walk sign, and he proceed to drive as close to her as physically possible without hitting her. She rightfully yelled at him. He reversed the car in the middle of the street and got out of his car and threatened her. She said she was going to walk to the police and he followed her. He didn’t get back in the car until she pulled out her phone and started recording him.

This whole situation is incredible to me. But I also can’t believe other cars just drove by and watched this man physically threatening a young woman. I was not there, but I did see most of it on video.


FennelSuperb7633 t1_ir2wzme wrote

I recently paid $70 for two cups of coffee, pancakes, a slice of carrot cake, and a cup cake at vegan place. Restaurants now charging this 20% service fee on top of the 20% tip when waiters don’t even take orders, tell specials, bring food, or a bill. I do it all on my phone through and app, which I suppose is what that 20% service charge pays for. I’m all for tipping 20% or more, but charging me an extra 20% is just ridiculous.