
Fexxvi t1_ixd3emf wrote

My original argument was:

“No, programmers are using other people's images to teach their AI's, just like you would teach an art student to learn styles and techniques from previous paintings. Once the AI has learned, those images are not stored anywhere in the AI's code.”

You said it was wrong, yet your comment

“People can also take inspiration from every other object to build artwork. This machine learning, is only using artwork, so the sample size [...]”

doesn't refute said argument. So either say something to refute my argument which, according to you is wrong or stop trying to move the goalposts.


Fexxvi t1_ixcyagl wrote

AIs learn how other artists paint so they can paint in the same style. That's what literally every art student does and it's not the same as copying.

“AI literally has to use copyrighted work to build the query setup by the user.”

The AI learned from copyrighted material to produce original results with the given prompts, just like anyone can learn from copyrighted material and make paintings in the style of (not exactly like) said material.