
FiddleTheFigures t1_j6dwadk wrote


But spring for the light (Pelican Air I think) or maybe no wheels. The added weight of the wheels (along with the extendable handle) really adds a lot. I think you’d save enough on shipping to justify carrying vs wheeling especially since this won’t be traveling often.

Edit: added name of the light versions


FiddleTheFigures t1_ivgdwhm wrote

I walked into their Ventura store with a 10yo shell that was peeling around the neck (sunscreen + bug spray) and walked out with a brand new, even better shell in less than 5 mins. No questions, no paper work, no receipts. They said I had the pick of the litter and the guy pointed to the one I should get (the most expensive one lol). Picked my color, grabbed a couple free stickers, and was out!

I highly recommend Patagonia if not for the quality, for the warranty. It lets me use my stuff the way it was meant to be used and if it “breaks” I have no worries that it will be replaced.