
Fidodo t1_iyw84lb wrote

It's a highly probabilistically likely string of words but there's not really any creativity going on. It's an incredibly stereotypical Batman+Joker interaction and the reason it was able to do it so well is because so many people have written scenes just like this in the past. The main scene setting provided in the prompt doesn't even really come into play in the story.

I don't really see AI becoming the driving creative force for art any time soon unless you're going for something incredibly derivative that has been done thousands of times already, but what I do see it doing is removing the technical barrier to entry for creating art. Creators won't need to know how to carefully craft sentences or have great vocabulary recall and anyone will be able to create visually amazing art that would normally take years of practice. This will free up creators to focus on the creative side of making art and greatly increase their ambitions. I can see entire shows and movies being created solo by single artists without the need of a team.

AI will completely change the world, but not in that it will dream for us but make it easier for us to realize our dreams and fill in the gaps of what we can't do ourselves.