
FiendishHawk t1_j2aa45s wrote

I had minor surgery 7 years ago and they sent me home with a ridiculous amount of opioids that I did not want to take (about enough to be high as a kite for a week) When I complained that the wound was not healing right they ignored me, saying it was only hurting because I wouldn’t take the opioids. This led to 5 more surgeries to correct the first one.


FiendishHawk t1_isc16tw wrote

Poor people don’t vote in Florida because the incumbent Republican Party make damn sure they don’t vote. Poor people in NYC do vote because Democratic politicians don’t have a motivation to stop them


FiendishHawk t1_is6fqzk wrote

Ordinary people can’t necessarily take troubled relatives into their homes because they have other responsibilities and limited resources. If you can only afford to rent a room for yourself, you can’t necessarily let your drug addict brother stay. If you have children at home, a schizophrenic relative with terrifying behaviors might cause them to grow up traumatized. This is why people end up on the streets despite have family.


FiendishHawk t1_is6ek20 wrote

It should be addressed by addressing it. Conservatives are reluctant to engage in the issue and the only suggestions I’ve seen from them of any practical intent are “Bring back the asylums” which I do not suppose they are willing to pay for.

Oh and sometimes they suggest just shooting all the homeless but that is more fascist than conservative IMHO.


FiendishHawk t1_is63oa2 wrote

Rich folks can throw money at any family problem so they think that everyone should. If their family member becomes an addict, they can pay for fancy rehab. If their family member get schizophrenia they can pay for the best psychiatrists and an apartment for them to stay in.