
FileEasy3098 t1_iwgeiqy wrote

People are very defensive in our state and like to automatically hate on other human beings. It’s like if you didn’t grow up in the same town as the majority of your neighbors, you are most definitely left out. This is not always the case but it happens a lot. My child will make a friend and it’s impossible to even speak to the parents to arrange for them to get together. Pretty sad. As you get older it is difficult to meet new people.
I’m very interested to hear some suggestions in this post on connecting with people.


FileEasy3098 t1_itz5x6v wrote

I never even tried setting it up. After I bought the speakers, I came home and researched the brand. Everyone online said not to use it. Some people said that it’s a fire hazard and that you shouldn’t even plug it in. I’m glad that I didn’t pay even more. Seemed so legit. The lesson today is, trust nobody!!