
Fistfullafives t1_ir5icub wrote

Pro games and tournaments happen online, so that should still carry the same weight as OTB. What part of him having perfect games is incorrect? He's even talked about his 45 move perfect game (in an Arabic accent for whatever reason). He's had 10 perfect games and 23 over 90% that I know of...


Fistfullafives t1_ir3iur0 wrote

Hans has put up wayyyyyy too many 100% perfect games, which just doesn't happen. Bobby Fisher at his best couldn't do it, Magnus couldn't do it, it just can't be done to that extent. Short 100% MAYBE, but a 40+ move game just isn't happening. Magnus knows pretty much every move from every game ever, and if he says Hans is playing like he's being fed moves, he's likely 100% correct. With Hans record, I am in full support of Magnus and hope Hans just gets perma banned from all events.