
Flame87 t1_j6oazg3 wrote

Reply to comment by Chraunik in Anyone miss the old DC? by sg8910

No but seeing a relatively boring comment about common well documented propaganda techniques and feeling so personally attacked you have to comment probably does 😂


Flame87 t1_j6n5lu3 wrote

Reply to comment by js8806485 in Anyone miss the old DC? by sg8910

The internet separated us from each other then covid really tore the fabric. People want to trust people on the internet with agendas over their eyes, ears, and real life connections.


Flame87 t1_j6n46cr wrote

Reply to comment by js8806485 in Anyone miss the old DC? by sg8910

The subs of basically every major metro area have whole teams of conservative brigadiers who spend their days screeching about crime and how scawy everything is all the time trying to drum up anti-city and anti-dem sentiments.

I'm not saying OP is one of those people, necessarily, but I'm going to go out on a limb and assume DC probably wasn't safer in..... The 80s or something.


Flame87 t1_j1xwve3 wrote

I see it as an attempt at a more polite attempt at "I saw all this destroyed shit from drunk drivers could you fucking not"

IMO it served its purpose with the amount of people going to bat for the drunk drivers. Sorry, they'll say "We're not endorsing drunk drivers we just don't want you to talk about it"


Flame87 t1_j1wwnvi wrote

It's fun how you attack somebody who follows an anti-car first infrastructure sub trying to open conversation about dangerous driving habits as confrontational but not the guy whose gone ham and rambled like 5 pages about how "cars are bae and fuck you for asking me not to drive drunk."



Flame87 t1_j1t97ht wrote

How boring are you that there's that there's NOTHING ELSE you could be doing without a 40 hour job you hate cause having a roof is pretty cool?

The whole point is that as work becomes less of a "one missed check from homelessness necessity" you can hold out for a job you want. Or start that business with a little breathing room. Or take up art and persue that. The possibilities are endless, while nobody has been able to provide an alternative solution to the very real breakneck pace to automation except accepting our inevitable tumble cause "durr change scary" even though (by your own admission) NOTHING WOULD FUCKING CHANGE except the ability to escape abusive working conditions.

What the hell is it with Americans that the only acceptable system is being broke, abused, and trapped in shit work where management knows they can do ANYTHING AT ALL? Really though, we know the answer. Gotta uphold the power trip fantasy structure because you were lied to and told one day YOU can be the exploiter. Never mind that those people have been building barriers for decades and only 0.some% make it there, surely they'll make an exception for you, because unlike a billion other Americans you are the GoLdEn ChIlD oF aMeRiCaN eXcEpTiOnAlIsM.