
FlatElvis t1_it0kxpf wrote

I don't understand your financial situation (does the shared job count toward the three you claim to have, why don't you work full time, why your lunch is "a set price", etc). But you don't seem to have an agreed upon budget for your family. You say it was news to you that you couldn't afford the soda. That's where the problem is. You need to have the conversation. Figure out what your needs cost. Then divide the leftover amount equally for your wants. You should both get money toward wants. Maybe you get a soda once a week. Maybe not at all. And if the money isn't going far enough, you need to reevaluate your jobs. Are you working enough? And is she? Work today is virtual. You don't have to walk to earn money. Make sure that you're not making excuses for each other in this regard.