
Flaxmoore t1_j9y91pg wrote

That seat was freaking premium when we would go on camp trips when I was a kid. We would just watch the world go by, and sometimes try to mess with the driver behind you.


Flaxmoore t1_izszkjj wrote

> Last's anatomy, Snell's anatomy etc

In the US, Moore and Netter are kings. Moore is a bit better for practical anatomy (injuries and whatnot) and Netter is kind of the spiritual heir of Gray. Googling (guessing you're in the UK?) Last shows his stuff is more along the line of Netter.

My only problem with Gray is his incredibly dense verbiage which makes it hard to glean out exactly where he's trying to direct you.

For example, picking the posterior tibial artery (because that's what the book fell open to) Gray states: > The posterior tibial is an artery of large size, which extends obliquely downward from the lower border of the Popliteus muscle, along the tibial side of the leg, to the fossa between the inner ankle and the heel, where it divides beneath the origin of the Abductor Hallucis, on a level with a line drawn from the point of the internal malleolus to the centre of the convexity of the hell, into the internal and external plantar arteries.

Netter skips the verbiage and throws a picture at it.


Flaxmoore t1_irnrf9d wrote

And it takes very little to change the efficiency.

I had a car bra for my 3 series- E36, the last of the boxier models- and with nothing more than smoothing out the bumper/fender transition and adding a couple small wedges to direct air a little I got a full mile per gallon highway improvement.

That's over a full summer of testing, with the same drives done over 50 times. Held up nicely- 30mpg highway without it, 31 with.