
FleetAdmiralFader t1_jc2ae2r wrote

For some it's probably a whitelist/blacklist situation and the ban is for the employees with elevated priveleges, not the typical employee. As a developer, I'm allowed a wide range of permissions including some Admin rights. However, my devices are still managed by the company and they turn on restrictions at any point.

This could be a situation where they are explicitly locking down the users that previously had extra permissions....but it's the government so maybe not.


FleetAdmiralFader t1_j1zgf8c wrote

From a credit risk perspective it is best to use <3% of your total credit line at any time. For you with only one card with a $3k limit this means $90. So if you consistently have a balance above that, let's say $200 you will get slightly dinged for "high utilization".

Your goal should be to always pay off the card fully each month and keep the card active. Active does not require a purchase every month but rather once a year or so, whatever prevents the card from being closed by the issuer.

You should put a Netflix subscription or something similar on the card and then use it however much or little as you want as long as you pay the balance each month.


FleetAdmiralFader t1_itsv9ak wrote

Japan is a wild land of contradictions. The general public considers them some of the most technologically advanced nations and yet they are extremely conservative and resistant to change culturally. It's almost like they create efficiency tools exclusively for export and domestically simply accomplish everything by shear force of will and scale of manpower because god forbid they change an existing process.