
Fleur75 t1_j9t0890 wrote

Honestly, if you end up buying, just go to a small, local florist. The quality can’t be beat, even if it’s slightly more expensive. Bonus - you’re supporting a small local business that hasn’t been turned into a bank yet


Fleur75 t1_j3w4hlu wrote

Actually it is a group that has parents from Cambridge, Somerville, and surrounding towns and is a robust community with a ton of helpful info and helpful people.


Fleur75 t1_j3u5dbb wrote

Honestly, if you’re on Facebook joint Parents of Camberville and either Dads of Camberville or the correct Moms of Camberville cohort (I believe you’d be 4.0). With a June 2018 kid, you’d be looking at K but for all the details, these groups should serve you well.


Fleur75 t1_iythhjh wrote

MIT is easy enough to get a membership if you know someone who went there (they just have to sign a form). The pools are the nicest around (better than Harvard’s). War Memorial is the public swim option for Cambridge residents but it has weird hours - so it either works for you or it doesn’t. The Central Square Y has a pool in the basement; I think it’s three lanes. It really isn’t a bad pool but it can be tough when it’s crowded


Fleur75 t1_iut4893 wrote

Just chiming in as some others have recommended neither. We had our child at the Brigham in 2018 - I was high risk, so I was in MFM but I couldn’t imagine having a child anywhere else. They’re literally connected to Children’s, so IF something needs the highest level of care, they don’t even have to go outside. For me, as I mentioned, high risk (placenta previa, brain aneurysm) and they were so on top of things, making me feel like it would be ok, and ultimately is was. But I can tell you that when I wasn’t doing well and our child wasn’t breathing, my husband was so grateful to be there.


Fleur75 t1_itej2nu wrote

Exactly this. I lived in a Harvard building once that had this deal with the city - we couldn’t have resident or visitor permits - for big buildings, like Market Central in Central Square, it would make sense. Then again charging real money for parking permits would make sense too