
FolesNick9 t1_jdv2rf9 wrote

These posts always intrigue me. Hate to break it to you, but this shit happened along the Delaware in a much more consistent (and hidden) basis during the time our parents and grandparents were alive.

While accountability to the culprits still needs significant improvement, the difference today vs the past is we have mechanisms that enable us to monitor water quality via advanced tech that would have tied the spill back to the plant eventually if they never spoke up. Also, having these devices in our pockets that let us know every facet in the world today no matter how big (chemical spill in water) or small (what color dump a kardashian took) has people dialed in for better or worse.

The world has always been a fucked up place, and for some people having access to information 24/7 has made people angry and paranoid. Imagine if twitter was around during world war 2, the imagery and content would have ruined humanity's soul forever


FolesNick9 t1_jdiauel wrote

back in the day on TU's campus citibank used to give out free shirts that said "college" on the front paying homage to the movie animal house.

I was walking back to my home on the fringe of campus, and a local resident screamed at me from her stoop "YOU THINK YOU'RE BETTER THAN ME BECUASE YOU GO TO COLLEGE, WEARING THAT SHIRT THINKING YOU THE SHIT?"

The reality is she hated everything that school brought to the neighborhood, while I just didn't want to do laundry so I got the shirt


FolesNick9 t1_j4q2j2j wrote

obligatory "I met him once and he was a dickhead story"

In his defense he was shitfaced and this was probably 15+ years ago at this point, but he was super trashed at a bar I worked at (that will remain unnamed). He was there with a woman who I assumed to be his significant other, and about an hour in the two of them got into a heated verbal argument and causing a giant scene. She stormed out of the bar, and Cord was so shitfaced he just sat at the barstool refusing to leave and clearly way too intoxicated.

We eventually got staff to escort him out but he started blocking the front door and refused to leave. He pulled the "do you know who I am" card and told us he'd shit on us on the radio when he's on-air next. He even pushed one of the security guys out of the door then stormed off.

In our establishment's defense, we did NOT overserve him he had 1 or 2 drinks at the bar, it seems as if he was hopping around and was pretty drunk we he had arrived.

I still don't hold it against the dude, we've all had shitty nights.


FolesNick9 t1_j0v5icp wrote

Reply to comment by Vamanoscabron in What the hell was that? by [deleted]

A couple of things can happen based off how negligent the pilot was, and its decided on by the FAA:

1 - You can be criminally punished up to a maximum of 1 year in federal prison and a $100,000 fine (Very harsh and rare, you really have to be an F up to get this done)

2 - you can have your pilot license suspended or revoked

3 - receive a civil penalty/fine while also potentially facing #2 noted above


FolesNick9 t1_j0usu8e wrote

This is the correct response, and just to reiterate what I shared elsewhere:

There is a strict no fly-zone set in place when this occurs, and it often creates quite an issue around Philly and its suburbs because we have a ton of tiny airports and people with a lot of money and expensive hobbies with poor aviation experience flying around those areas.

Chances are this is a pilot that isn't instrument rated, is rather green and decided to go up on a nice clear day to fly VFR around our area, broke that TFR zone and wasn't paying attention to their radio when they got called out, which led to the scramble.