
FoodMadeFromRobots t1_jdxwpq8 wrote

Contractors yah i agree i think that will be almost last on the list. Truckers and garbage men? Idk, i'll be honest in saying i was too optimistic on the self driving car timeline and thought we would have cracked it by now but i feel with recent advances thats coming sooner than later and then arguably 95% of garbage collection (at least where i live) could be automated the second you get the self driving down. Its normally just a truck that pulls up and uses a mechanical arm to dump the bin. If you added some degrees of motion/made the claw more nuanced it could pick up random objects besides the bins. Realize there are a lot of edge cases but once you get a program that can drive the car and identify trash/vs not trash you've got the vast majority covered.


FoodMadeFromRobots t1_jd10kzm wrote

Yah i guess i think it depends on timeline of AGI vs ASI and who controls the keys to AGI.

If we hit ASI in the next say, 20 years, i agree with your point of were at the whims of the new superintelligence (this also assumes it is free/others develop it that allow it to be free, if the US govt gets ASI but keeps it on a tight air gapped leash then that doesnt help) if ASI is alot harder than people think and instead we just have extremely advanced protoAGI/AGI thats controlled by specific groups i can see the massive labor layoffs happen and then society in large will be at the mercy of what UBI/social welfare laws are passed (or not)


FoodMadeFromRobots t1_jd0z0wx wrote

Will the rich build a robot army with the goal of genocide? Of course not, I doubt anyone maybe short of some crazy person would do that. (As we’ve seen in history much more likely genocide would revolve around race, religion or ideology)

Would they take all the wealth created and retreat to gate communities defended by kill bots and ignore the suffering outside their gates? Yah we’re already 80% of the way there. That’s the issue, people will demand UBI or higher taxes and help in providing basics and the rich will use their lobbyists and power to shoot down that legislation. Normally you would have a revolt/revolution but that won’t happen because it would be pistols and some ARs vs a robot controlled Abraham tank and robot f35.

There won’t be out right genocide just immoral indifference to suffering.