
ForceUser128 t1_jaz8qps wrote

The majority of aluminum being deposited is from solid rocket boosters that they do not use. The few tons that might end up from sats burning up is not the same dangerous kind that's released by SRBs and millions of tons, vs a few tons, gets released daily (again not the SRB kind) by asteroids.

This is a good example of haters twisting the truth, desperately looking for absolitely any crumbs of reason to hate while ignoring the good that is done, like supporting the civilians in Ukraine that lost access to basic communiction (not internet, just basic telephone) that you entitled rich brats takes for granted.

Hate filled and entitled af. I dont hate people like you, I just feel sadness and pity.


ForceUser128 t1_jaxzkwg wrote

Fuck advancement and people in rural areas with poor to no access to internet. Also 3rd world countries with poor infrastructure, fuck all of them. Also, Ukrainian civilians can rot and die with no internet access, and lol, who needs to know about Iranian atrocities.

Comparing the good starlink has done, is doing, and will do for humanity to cigarettes is one of the most moronic analogies I've heard so far, but the day is young and the haters many.


ForceUser128 t1_jaxvura wrote

Ironically enough, starlink is doing the most out of any satalite company to minimise and eventually eliminate their impact of naked eye, amature, and ground based observatory astronomy.

Stating facts is not being an Elon licker buuuut somehow I dont think that makes a difference to you :D


ForceUser128 t1_ja29lrl wrote

Due to distances involved though, any sound would be delayed similar to a lightning strike on earth, but much worse because there is no real medium for the sound waves to propagate through but rather the atmos and molecules themselves moving through mostly empty space.

Also, at best, you might hear a thud rather than an explosion due to you being contained in a sealed, pressurised container (aka a ship). And even then, it'd more likely be from solid debri rather than from the very sparse (comparatively) atoms and molecules of an explosion.