
Formergr t1_j6k7syn wrote

Reply to comment by NewUser22031 in SOTU by camelot478

There's usually captioning, so that helps, and even if you don't catch every word, for political junkies, half the fun is watching the body language and face reactions, etc.

Does the Speaker of the House (if of an opposing party to POTUS) react to more partisan speech points, since they are seated right by him prominently on camera? Do they grimace? Do they purposely look bored? etc.

Does the peanut gallery of rank and file members of Congress boo anyone? Do they stand for more compelling points, or just clap politely?


Formergr t1_j66pbim wrote

And if they didn’t try to proactively be prepared and shit went down with not enough of them to handle it, you’d be shitting on them for slacking, right? Pick one.

There’s a lot of legitimate things to criticize MPD for, but being prepared like this when many other cities are doing the exact same thing should not be one of them.


Formergr t1_j6697h3 wrote

I had a guy come in to my dorm room in college while I was in bed already, and after talking to me for a bit in a super creepy way (tried to pretend to know my roommate), he grabbed my wallet from the dresser and took off.

I chased him down the hall!

I was a 120 lb girl and he was a 6'5 huge dude. I just...pure adrenaline-fueled instinct. No conscious thought at all.

Thankfully I didn't catch him, lol.


Formergr t1_j604cip wrote

> Once I get a response from them, I'll be contacting Robert White's office as well. Don't want to get too many wires crossed.

Honestly, I wouldn’t wait. I get wanting to avoid crossed wires, but I don’t think it can get worse, and since Allen might reach out to White anyway, his office hearing from both of you could be a good thing.

ETA: I’m sorry you’re going through all this. You sound incredibly well organized and well informed, so it’s clear this is all on the city to fix.