
ForsakenChapter8957 t1_j6gxuq7 wrote

"I believe the power of friendship will defeat the darkness that haunts the rainbow forest!" The princess, Sugar Plum, exclaimed.

"The power of friend--- Are you serious right now? 'The darkness' is literally an old wizard living in the woods, give me a map to his house and I'll go snap his neck and we all can be back for dinner."

"Havoc, how could you even suggest such a thing! You would take the life of another just to have an easy way out of this mess? It's your fault for destroying his sugar tree on your way in, you just need to apologize."

Havoc pulled out his knife, waving it in the direction of the two beings before him, "Listen here, Mr. Unicorn and Princess whatever-whatever, it is not my fault that a dumbass 'Superhero' from my universe missed their mark and blasted me in this sickening sweet nightmare land. This much pink is not natural, by the way."

"My name is not Mr. Unicorn, it is Hank. And I understand your need to get back to your land, scary knife man, but that is just not the way things work here! You need to bring the seeds and apologize to the old wizard. He must be very sad about his precious tree."

A shrill scream could be heard from the forest, the trees swaying and shaking as if alive and terrified of the noise.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure he's so upset and for sure not going to kill us the minute we set foot in there."

"Of course not! No one would ever do such a thing."

"Well, good luck with this Princess, if you won't do things my way then I guess I'll leave you to deal with the mess." Havoc made it for about 10 feet away before he heard the most disgusting sound he had ever heard, a child crying.

"Wh--Why is Mr.Knife man being so mean to us, Hank! All-- All I wanted is him to apologize and make the scary forest go awayyyy."

"Stop that." Havoc warned, pointing at the Princess, slowly walking back towards them.

"My Princess, please do not be sad. It will be wonderful again, I promise!"

"Why are you being so mean, the wizard just wants his tree back and to make friendsss."

"I'm serious. You better stop that crying, little girl."

"Whyyy are you such a m-m-meanie!" She blubbered out between the sobs.

Havoc shushed the princess, which he realized too late he shouldn't have done, as she threw herself to the ground and was having a full-blown temper tantrum, her legs beating against the ground and her wails drawing the shrill in the forest closer.

"Okay. Okay! We will get find the stupid Sugar tree seeds and take them to the wizard. I'll even apologize if you just- STOP!"

The princess' whining immediately ceased, and she sat up with a wide grin on her face.

"Oh, that's just wonderful! We must go now! Come on, Hank. It's such a lovely day for an adventure." She started skipping into the forest, ignoring the shrieks of the large creature that was surely waiting for them.

"I think I prefer getting shot. Hell, I would rather get stabbed 12 times before I hear that crying again." Havoc mumbled as he sheathed his knife and followed the Princess and the unicorn, Hank, into the forest.