
FortitudeWisdom t1_j5fdncz wrote

Nashua up through Manchester and then everything east of that line; Windham, Londonderry, Derry, Exeter, Seabrook, Rye, Hampton, etc. Ya know I might also include Durham, Dover, and Portsmouth. Not sure about those three.

EDIT: Also, this is just my opinion/guess. This isn't some formal list I know of.


FortitudeWisdom t1_ivyyets wrote

"How about instead of taking a few sentences to insult me, we have a conversation like two rational people?"

I appreciate you trying to have a good discussion and I hope I haven't discouraged you from trying to do so in the future, but this post was frustrating for me.

I have interacted with FSP. I know a handful of them personally. I've been in their discord server(s). I understand what they like and what they don't like. So I can tell real fast how much somebody knows about the FSP when they start talking about it.

My truly humble advice;

If we don't know much about a topic then, we should not be talking about the topic. We should be asking questions instead.

They should not be described as "libertarian leaning right-wing Republican legislators" because that's very different from what they are...

Republicans and FSP are two very different things. Republicans love America and are patriotic. FSP want to secede "from the union" (as they put it) because they don't like the U.S.. Those are two core principles of those two groups and they're opposite.

On one FSP run discord server if you're liberal you do not get access to the entire server. You have access to two channels (out of 20+); rules and 'Questions-for-Libertarians'. So you can read the rules and ask questions to the oh so superior FSP. That's opposite of a core principle of libertarians, free speech.

They're not libertarian and they're not conservative.


FortitudeWisdom t1_ivyl4fm wrote

Haha I decided to waste my time and open that article. It doesn't even talk about the FSP. Are you shittin me AMC4x4? If you think it helps them write up an article, make a relatable title, and post the content. You're just making things up here... You should probably learn about the movement before you end up looking this ridiculous. They follow this subreddit ya know. You can ask for an invite to their discord servers...


FortitudeWisdom t1_ivlfbmd wrote

I didn't say she was going to take my guns.

Everyone wants fewer psychopaths to own guns.

Hassan can do something about legalizing weed at the federal level.

I haven't heard of that or seen it. Where does he plan on redistributing the money to?

I'm ok with wealth redistribution. I'm something of a socialist myself. He doesn't want criminals to have guns, that's a strawman. You're bad faith.


FortitudeWisdom t1_ivd543t wrote

Yeah he seems like a moron. I'm still voting for him though. Hasan wants to push foolish gun control laws and has done nothing to legalize weed. Basically a wasted seat in the senate if you ask me. The chick is just collecting a fat pay check for nothing. I figure a dumbass who might even stand up to the ATF's nonsense is our better option.


FortitudeWisdom t1_ir2h1bb wrote

Get winter clothing... peacoats, boots, gloves, etc. If you are going to be outside for a while (e.g. working, shoveling your driveway, etc) then buy some kind of face mask. While driving, accelerate slower, break slower (break over a longer distance). Keep in mind that RWD cars oversteer in snow and FWD cars understeer.