
FreakLipsHighC t1_je3myjk wrote

Cynicism is easy.

Yea antitrust has been a joke.

Lina Kahn is trying. She is pissing off a lot of people.

Do I know that she’ll do a good job? No

Do I think she’s even targeting the right stuff? Not necessarily

But something has materially changed in that we finally have a regular that at least talks a good game.

If you have specific reason why you think it won’t work, I’d love to hear them

But generalized cynicism doesn’t help anyone.


FreakLipsHighC t1_jcbpedk wrote

Shootings and violent crime went down significantly from the 90s to the mid 2010s, with increases in poverty in some places.

The problem with saying “gun violence won’t go down until we alleviate this other problem” is that you’re trying to affect the problem indirectly.

Alleviating poverty is a worthy goal in itself. Alleviating violence is a worthy goal. They are not necessarily that causal. There is correlation certainly, but you can work on either one by itself


FreakLipsHighC t1_j5rl7jf wrote

It was also just so ham handed and bad.

The prosecutor’s final statement was 2 statements about the accused’s behavior that literally contradicted each other, in the same sentence.

Also, I know it’s hard to do character develop, but they really made that mom a barely human dunce.