
FrenchManc t1_je855jb wrote

You just seem very rattled that some people enjoy painting or watching paintings of naked women and you never explain why, Even tho with your constant use of the word "objectified" (even tho you never explain how they are objectified) I think I have my opinion of why that i'll keep to myself.

Also I can see you tried to sneak as much names as you could remember because you got offended that I mistook you for a disney raised american but you trying to imply that erotism & beauty stopped being the driving force behind a good portion of all art ever created because "people realized that Manet’s Olympia was far more interesting" (????) is childish, laughable, and makes it impossible to give you any credibility.


FrenchManc t1_je7yw36 wrote

Low effort? Thin woman ? Conventional beauty? Just standing? Have you ever seen a renaissance painting? Nothing in your comment makes sense but I guess that's what growing up in a country without culture does to somebody. You're just confused, without references, and have no clue how much work goes into creating a piece like that, (you'll maybe know if you ever enter a conservatory or attempt to create anything related to art someday in your life instead of typing troll comments on the internet).

OP I hope you don't get discouraged posting here because of the few weirdos commenting, there are people whose disaproval should be encouraging more than anything.


FrenchManc t1_je73l97 wrote

When I see the comments, i'm not surprised americans school are banning visits to florence so kids don't see michelangelo statues, those people are proper weirdos when it comes to seing people naked.