
FriendlyDrama766 t1_iuk8dom wrote

I understand. Try what I had previously suggested. Otherwise, maybe couples therapy where you can get those feelings out in a safe space. I’m sorry you’re in that situation. Please try to seek out a trusted friend who will let you crash with them til you can get on your feet should anything happen. I know how these men can be. Manipulative and sometimes abusive when they’re called out for their shit. I want you safe. YOU deserve to be happy! Do what you feel is best and stay safe please. I hope you get this all resolved❤️


FriendlyDrama766 t1_iuk6n9a wrote

This is presuming you have no suspicions your partner is cheating on you. I have never been this person but I found out with my ex by snooping a little because he was always SUPER obsessive over me not touching his phone.


FriendlyDrama766 t1_iuk6f4d wrote

I would say talk to him but you already have. Telling him it makes you feel insecure or something along those lines. Sometimes, the best thing to do is exactly what he does. Look at other men. Even if you have no interest until he notices and brings it up to you. Make it obvious and tell him you feel the same when he does it to you.

Otherwise, DUMP HIS ASS! You deserve better. When he makes it obvious that he’s staring at other women, then gaslights you into thinking YOU are crazy?! It’s absolutely not okay. Sounds like he needs a taste of his own medicine.
