
FrogQuestion t1_j6mla1u wrote

This comes from that not everyone is fully analyzing what theyre doing all the time. Sometimes they like game and want to like it together with others.

What youre deacribing OP is a more objective and logical way of looking at it, which is the ying to the yang that is just enjoying something and having good feelings. The latter of which isnt allowed on the internet anymore since we got fake intellectualism forced on us by political extremists on the internet.

Ive even seen people who think to notice i dont understand something about a game and feel the need to "correct" me on it, like the bad guy's intentions, or what a system is used for. These people disturb me in having my own experience with a game because they think their views are more important than me enjoying entertainment like i want to.

Nay the real problen here is that people like OP are afraid that these uninformed opinions will make their videogames worse, and casual. We've had very vocal opinions about casualization the last 10 years, but still many games come out that make the mistake of dismissing the experienced gamer, and focusing on the casuals. So it doesnt matter.

Chill out. Pamper the inexperienced gamers. Ask them what they like and dont like. Let them form their own opinion. Share their enthusiasm. In a way they are our little brothers and sisters. We should cherish them and their pure heartedness.