
Frost890098 t1_j5gsng7 wrote

It it getting closer to power armor being available. I know Japan has been running with some ideas for a powered harness used when having to lift elderly home patients. Plus at least three US contractors have been trying to get a mechanical harness off the power cables and onto batteries.

I believe one of the ideas is to basically download the mind into a AI form. Or to use augmented reality to have access to both the physical world and the digital world at the same time. And who knows maybe with AI we can come up with a better idea for updating the infrastructure.


Frost890098 t1_j5ftxc1 wrote

One of the possibilities is also to merge with the computer systems. is a site where they look at some of the possibilities and science that is working twords a merging of man and machine.

The biggest thing that I see is that technology and society are trying to pull in different directions but are then pulled together. Making a third path. Probably doesn't make much sense with my word choice.

Society needs to be ready to change but technology is forcing a change at a greater pace than ever before. I expect a few big shake ups coming soon. Hopefully with a minimum of violence, but we will have to wait and see.


Frost890098 t1_iy8zxi6 wrote

Have you read any of the Xanth novels? One of the characters has a power like this. I want to say Spell for Chameleon was the first. Lost of puns and jokes. His spell/power works like this.