
FuckoNo5 t1_iyfdgai wrote

No one is dumping huge loads into companies who are still shrinking. That would be dumb. You wait til the bottom and then do that and with the fed saying everything borrowed is getting even more expensive the bottom is clearly not here. By a long shot.

When the fed stops raising the rates they won't just be dropping them after we reach the goal. They will hold them there for several years.

The fed is the printer but it doesn't just print those dollars to give. They are loaned and the fed is calling the debt now. It will take years of high internet loans to pay back the enormous amount we borrowed from it over the last decade.


FuckoNo5 t1_iyfae94 wrote

Running away from them after you just blew a stop sign and got caught speeding and then ran into a house when they followed you means you get arrested. If you run into a house it is completely reasonable to assume you may be running towards a weapon. It is still that cops duty to apprehend people running from speeding tickets because typically the people that do that are running for other reasons. If that's not acceptable then all wanted criminals just know they just don't need to stop. Now that you're in the house where weapons could be anywhere, your repeated rebukes of arrest are going to get you the taser.

But I did draw a line at baton strikes but even then if the dudes in a bedroom reaching and fighting, a knife could be anywhere.

You see how those are complete thoughts that don't rely on disparaging your character to make my argument? That's called grown up shit.
