
FuzzAldrin36 t1_jdqksux wrote

My fiance had the same thing. No updated info needed except his picture.

He procrastinates on things sometimes too (as do we all), but was able to get in to AAA in December. They were scheduling sooner than a month out though, so he got in 2 days before his birthday.

I'm not giving this as advice, because I generally avoid advising people to do illegal things.

If I was in this situation, I would book the earliest possible appointment (considering I hadn't already found a walk-in location), get everything done and submitted online that I can (to have the process started in the system), and then do my very best at driving until then.

I would personally be okay doing this knowing I have a clean record without a history of being pulled over and don't live or travel in an area where cops camp out for quotas.

It's really an odds game. I would play it, because my odds are good.


FuzzAldrin36 OP t1_jd35ytb wrote

I prepared myself before I even posted. I think that should be protocol now.

I think that anyone who points out that Ukraine isn't in MA and this is an inappropriate sub to post that stuff in doesn't stand with Ukraine enough for that mod.

Even when we loudly stand with Ukraine all damn day.


FuzzAldrin36 OP t1_jd2yop3 wrote

>What are people so afraid of that 9 moderators are needed?

The way I understand it, it's not "people" who appoint mods. It's mods (or, in this case, mod) who appoint mods. Also, not all of the mods are people.

I'm also not getting the impression that anyone is scared of anything.

People just want the sub to go back to being a MA sub rather than continue to be a constantly censored echo chamber for the one dude with access to the control switches.


FuzzAldrin36 t1_j120f4u wrote

Reply to comment by buried_lede in Dunce by CloroxWipes1

This is that extra the thing for me also. Doctors have a professional obligation to science, and that obligation informs the health of every patient and kind of requires them to recognize fact and essentially not be batshit crazy.

It's troubling that someone in that kind of position can be so lacking of reasonable judgement and a moral psychology.


FuzzAldrin36 t1_j108g4p wrote

This is the answer.

As a former educator who is licensed in CT, I ended up leaving teaching when I moved to MA.

The difficulty of the (lack of) reciprocity to be licensed here gave me just enough pause to really see how horrible the conditions of this profession I love so much really are. They don't improve from state to state.

It's absolutely heartbreaking how freeing it is to leave that career.

(To be clear, this comment applies to the career of public teaching in the US, not any specific conditions of teaching in this state.)