
FxHVivious OP t1_j25aos0 wrote

The SSD might not even be bad. The update could have just fucking something up on the OS. If that's that's the case I may be able to just do a system restore, but I have stuff on their I don't want to lose, including some work I hadn't committed to GitHub yet. So I need to pull the drive and hook it up to another computer to see if anything is salvageable.


FxHVivious OP t1_j22gh9w wrote

Lol. You Linux boys never quit

I gotta figure out what's wrong with the damn thing. Funny enough I think it might be a Microsoft update problem. Super pissed too because I had stuff I hadn't pushed to GitHub yet.


FxHVivious OP t1_j215us6 wrote

What little I've been able to use of it has been great. I hooked it up to my phone so I could use it to message a few people and I really enjoyed typing with it. I got the brown switches with it because I like the tactile feel, but I think the linears (red switches I think) are really popular too.

I also did a bunch of research in addition to talking to a buddy who's super into mechanical keyboards, and the general consensus seemed to be that this was an excellent starting place.


FxHVivious t1_j17rltr wrote

Agreed. Everyone who's ever made a movie has at least one bad one. It's stupid to suddenly assume he's a hack because he had one kinda crappy movie.

Same for Patty Jenkins frankly. She doesn't have as many wins in her column as Waititi, and WW84 was way worse, but she could knock it out of the park on her next project.