
G1naaa t1_izl181i wrote

Good for them! Others, aka the majority of this entire country, will work their whole lives and never be able to pay it off or spend thousands paying interest instead of putting that money back into the economy. By the way, d you like going to your primary care doctor whenever you want? Do you like your child to have a pediatrician? Med school has the highest price tag of education and those specialties make shit salaries and they will spend their whole lives paying off upwards of 500k in loans. But yeah thats fine, lets keep increasing the price of education and decreasing wages across the board so that people will stop becoming doctors because theyre "bullshit degrees with shitty wages". Good luck when you or your child gets sick! Fuck the social workers, the teachers, the nurses, the professors, and 1000000 other degree holding workers that get paid nothing but are the backbones of our society. Its pretty easy to be empathetic, thats why you people surprise me EVERY TIME when you are vehemently against your fellow man.
