
GTSBurner t1_jcs8yna wrote

I'm aware. Again, hallucinating. Maybe, just maybe, I'm kind of spitballing here - what if you had someone who is trained in mental health crises advising the cops on what do do and react in these situations? Instead of just "shoot center mass". I wonder what kind of outcomes we'd have.


GTSBurner t1_jcr2ixv wrote

> Sending social workers into a situation where a man armed with a knife is threatening to harm himself and others is not viable.

It's not just a social worker. It's a social worker trained in these kind of situations and knows the risks. It's not some random LCSW from your kid's school.

The idea is that the social worker runs lead with the cops backup. Because these types of programs have been working.

Patrick Chin in Hillsborough was killed after a 2.5 minute interaction. He was in crisis, alone in his house. There was no threat to the general public and the cops escalated the situation and ended up killing him.


GTSBurner t1_j9qfpbp wrote

A north Jersey to Central Jersey commute is actually interesting because you're going against the flow of traffic. That being said, there's a lot of factors going into this.

My shortest commute has been 15 minutes, my longest has been an hour plus. Commutes can be easier if it's just "get on the turnpike and go", but it varies.


GTSBurner t1_j9218ue wrote