
GalFisk t1_jee92xq wrote

I saw a video on that. They had arrows pointing right, up and front, and connected them end to end in order to make a new arrow that pointed to the destination. Are quaternions the same as making calculations using x, y and z coordinates?

They also used trigonometry to transform back and forth between coordinates and angles.


GalFisk t1_jedz4kt wrote

Draw him a number line, with 0 in the middle. Show how adding two numbers moves you right, then right again. Show how subtracting two numbers moves you right, then left. Show how adding a negative number moves you left. Then tell him that subtracting a negative number means turning that last operation around once more, meaning you go to the right again. Every minus is a turn.

Edit: if you really want to fry his brain (alternatively inspire him to become a mathematician), tell him that there's also a way to turn away from the number line, and go above or below it.


GalFisk t1_jedyjqi wrote

The magnetosphere is strong because it is huge. It can deflect particles by nudging at them constantly over a distance of several earth diameters. It won't nudge the electrons out of our puny wires that span a tiny fraction of the planet's surface at most.


GalFisk t1_jedy41f wrote

Autonomous processes happen by themselves. Cells divide, guts digest, hearts pump.

Reflexes happen in the local nervous system. Eyes blink to protect themselves, hands jerk away from hot stoves, pupils contract or dilate.

Instincts are hardwired into the brain. Hungry - seek food. Horny - seek mate, tired - sleep.

Emotions regulate social behaviour. I like this individual - spend time with it. This is my child - nurture it. This individual wants to hurt me - run away (or kick its ass).

Intellect solves problems. I can't reach this thing, but if I grab a stick, the stick can reach it. That individual is able to eat dirty potatoes by first dipping them in water - imitate it. That animal sure feels scary, but if you look closely you can see it's all a charade - eat it.

Every level is more fine-grained, but also has less control. Your intellect can't control your heart muscle or your cell division, but it can invent a microsocope and figure out how cells divide.

Civilization is arguably yet another level. We can organize in order to solve problems that would be too complex for individual intellects, and the best individuals for a task can devote their lives to it rather than spending a lot of time ensuring their own individual survival.

All of these systems are available to humans. Other animals have them to varying degrees, and even individual becteria have the autonomous processes that keep them alive. Viruses arguably don't even have that, and they're also not alive as such.

The AI singularity is a hypothetical next level, where we've created artificial intelligences so clever that they themselves can design even more clever artificial intelligences without our help.


GalFisk t1_jedoehw wrote

I leased an EV for two years, because i wanted to try it out. It cost me the same per month in total as my old gas car cost to keep running with parts and fuel. When the lease was up, I had moved and no longer needed a car at all, so I was happy to give it back.


GalFisk t1_je3tp87 wrote

They, and the front desk, talk to a central server. The lock says, "hey server, I'm lock XXXX and I've just been tagged with card YYYY. The server looks in its database, and if the combination is allowed, it tells the lock to unlock. The front desk makes changes to the database as needed.


GalFisk t1_jdxdwv9 wrote

"Context" is like a room, or more accurately describing how it feels, an angle. When I look at my thoughts from a Swedish angle, I can describe them using Swedish words. When I look at them from an English angle, I use the words that belong there. They're simply stored in different mental places, or states, and jumping between them takes mental effort. I could try to speak a sentence alternating between Swedish and Norwegian words, but it would be difficult. Staying in place is not.

Interestingly, this context or angle hinges on the person I'm speaking to, and I know a few people who speak Norwegian and Swedish in just the same way as me, and with those I can switch back and forth - not on every word, but every sentence if I wish.


GalFisk t1_jdx73kt wrote

No. Every language is a context, and switching context takes conscious effort. I sometimes forget a word in one language, but I never forget which language a word belongs to. I grew up speaking Swedish at home and Norwegian with friends. The languages are pretty similar, and Norwegian has many varied dialects, so being aware from the start that language is just a description of a thing, separate from the thing itself, may have helped.


GalFisk t1_jdloudr wrote

The lecture "What makes a bully" by psychologist Dr. Gordon Neufeld describes the psychological reasons for people finding joy in the misery of others. It's so good I put it on my youtube channel. Very long, but well worth watching.

The tl;dw is that a need to feel dominant, compounded with a lack of empathy, makes people feel good when they can make others miserable.

The lecture describes how these issues arise, and also how they can be remedied. His work is geared towards childhood and adolescence, but the same things happen with adults too.


GalFisk t1_jaf1o0t wrote

EV charger connectors are a bit like that. They don't energize until signaling pins have been connected, and the car has told the charger what it needs (or vice versa). Those pins connect last and break connection first, so the big contacts are always without power when they disengage, preventing arcing.


GalFisk t1_jac5qr7 wrote

Also, it's showing that we don't take whatever it is seriously. It can be a part of playing and joking, but also a part of distancing ourselves from something or someone.

As for why it sounds the way it does, that's probably just a small trait that randomly got amplified and entrenched by evolution, just like smiling when happy or crying when emotional. Body language isn't nearly as changeable as language, but it still deviates quite rapidly when species differentiate. Just look at how differently dogs and cats use their tails, or how apes show their teeth in very different situations than humans.


GalFisk t1_ja6temu wrote

If you live in a place that gets cold enough in the winter, you can see this phenomenon on roads when it starts to get cold. The roadway on bridges will be frost-covered in the morning, because they have had cold air all around them, while roadways the ground is still clear.


GalFisk t1_ja4rtxc wrote

Ha ha, I'd rather not.

I remember at my first job, the network stack of Win95 rev A would sometimes crap itself, permanently. We had to reinstall Windows on a few computers.

USB printing is still a mess. Windows still defaults to the ancient LPT1 port when it doesn't know what to do, and the USB "port" for printing is a hack.

And don't get me started on network "WSD" ports.

And everything is totally opaque, so when something goes wrong, you can't inspect, troubleshoot or fix the actual issue. Remove, reinstall, pray...