
GalacticDystopia t1_jeblh4b wrote

I never said they should be more. And I'm not defending what they're doing. I was more providing info with a tinge of personal thoughts.

Youre doing that thing that Redditors do when they read something they have a knee-jerk disagreement with and go off on a half-cocked reply. Don't do that.


GalacticDystopia t1_jeal2j5 wrote

Yeah, people these days seems to forget that, when you factor inflation, games are much cheaper these days than they used to be.

Mostly because cartridges were manufactured ROM chips in and of themselves, and any special co-processors or extra hardware needed to run the game beyond what the console was capable of had to be ran from the cartridge.

The best examples of this were the SuperFX chip on SNES and the Virtua Processor for Genesis. These allowed polygonal 3D games like Starfox and Virtua Racing to run on consoles that were never designed to run 3D anything. I remember Virtua Racing especially was an expensive game and the cartridge itself got really hot from the 3D processing workload it ran.

The Phantasy Star games were expensive due to just being much larger than a normal Genesis game, thus requiring extra large ROM chips and reliable save memory.

If I'm being honest, given the complexity of games nowadays, I'm surprised AAA games aren't $100 each.

If you want some real sticker shock, NEO-GEO cartridges were insanely huge and cost about $200 each in 1993. In today's money, that's $416.

Imagine spending 80% the value of a PS5 on every single game...


GalacticDystopia t1_j92xxy2 wrote

I'll take "extinct notions of once-great institutions" for $1000, Alex

EDIT for elaboration: Simply put, the rise of "activist" journalism has entirely done away with any notion of objective reporting.

Granted, journalism to some degree has always had an activist bent to it, but now it's just blatant to the point where they're not even trying to hide it anymore.

VICE is really bad about this. They finance some of their more decent pieces with countless amounts of misinformed and frankly, venom-laced garbage clickbait. Most of their recent shit too has had way too large of a "oh this poor criminal" bent.

There's nothing most of these activist journalists hate more than the common working person, all the while having the gall to claim they're on your side.

They're in no one's corner but their own.


GalacticDystopia t1_j22vdvo wrote

The original Xbox 360 Controller, hands down.

The heft made it feel durable, and the shape of it just fit so well in so many hands. Imagine my excitement that they're making an official version of it for Series S/X, and imagine my further disappointment that it's wired only....


GalacticDystopia t1_iuj03to wrote

It's going to horribly impact game collecting.

The transition to digital only is the endgame here. You're witnessing the last console generation that will even use discs.

Companies, for decades now, have loathed the concept of "consumer ownership" and have been frothing at the mouth for the tech to catch up and allow their dream of digital-only, fully-controlled SaaS garbage.

The WB-Discovery merger has brought light to a lot of fears that those of us against pure digital landscapes have been warning everyone about for 15+ years now...they want the ability to remove whatever titles they see fit. They want to be able to erase them entirely should they choose.

That kind of control, the ability to add and remove content (and monetize all of it in between) has been their wet dream since the days of Betamax. Only now does the infrastructure allow it to be commercially viable.

I personally am buying whatever titles I want in disc form while they're still putting full games on them. Because that shit with the barebones installer being put on the disc is where they're going at a rapid pace.

I've also restarted collecting blu-ray and 4k discs, since they're making it quite clear that they have no qualms about removing titles from digital availability whenever it suits their objectives.