
GameKyuubi t1_irp18te wrote

> I am not making a contradictory claim, I am asking a question.

Right. The answer to your question is it's a "by definition" issue. If we ignore the loaded colloquial use of the word, "chaos" is the name for psuedorandom phenomena that arise from deterministic simpler conditions. Stuff that is not deterministic would not be strictly classified as "chaos" in my opinion, it would be called something else. Chaos is the name of an observed phenomena. Chaos Theory is the name of the branch of science that studies that phenomena.

> Thus, a theory, one without substantive accompanying evidence comparable to that which exists for other theories that have been elevated to a higher epistemic level based on broad scientific (and other) consensus.

Bro what are you smoking we've studied plenty of chaotic phenomena the whole idea of chaos is that you can have deterministic functions that produce pseudorandom output. All of the entire corpus of scientific literature is based on the fact that we haven't found an exception to this rule yet. How can you imply there is not significant consensus on this issue?

> I find it odd how seemingly close minded and insular science has become in the 21st century, which is rather contrary to the self-serving self-description of the domain and the actors within it.

I find it wack how smarmy people can be when they don't understand the basics of what they are talking about