
Gawdam_lush t1_jdyho3u wrote

I think they will ask you to pay a certain amount or purchase the book and bring the new copy in.

It sounds like in this case it will be cheaper to pay what the library is asking .

From what I remember there is a limit that they can charge you.

If you pay this off before racking up late fees, then find the book later, you can bring it in and (at least at my local branch) they give you the price of the book back minus the actual late fees.

So, whatever you do, take care of it asap because the late fees are what get you in the end


Gawdam_lush t1_jdygjdn wrote

I believe that goldfinch had two stories in one book that should have been two books.

It’s possible that because she was an acclaimed writer, her editor might not have wanted to change too much, but I would have taken out a huge chunk of the book.

Want to know this crazy theory I have? Her book was actually the story with pippa and her brother.

And the stuff that happened in Las Vegas and the stuff with the opiate abuse and the whole story line with Boris? That was all someone else’s story. My theory is that she might have met someone who she stole a journal from, and she added stuff from this journal into her own book. Possibly the journal belonged to a dead junkie.

The writing style is completely different from the rest of the book and in my opinion, the only part of the book that was any good. It was also too real. Unless Tart struggled with heroin addiction, I feel like she couldn’t have described the feeling that Theo felt in the hotel room.

The stolen masterpiece is a metaphor for the stolen story.

In an interview she said that she was going to focus more on Platt (pipas brother) which tells me that she doesn’t even realize how incredibly boring that character is and doesn’t realize that the real story was between Theo and Boris.

Makes sense though that she would have wanted to focus more on platt and his mom. Being from a wealthy family and being wealthy herself, she obviously would have more to say about them than the very interesting Boris, who seems so real I have a hard time believing he was purely fictional.

This is just a crazy theory I came up with while reading this monster of a story. Could be totally off.. but it’s interesting to think about


Gawdam_lush t1_jdyd79g wrote

I think it’s better to start with a short book that you know you can read in a couple of days.

here are some good short books

  • of mice and men
  • convenience store woman
  • the metamorphosis
  • the little prince
  • frankenstein
  • do androids dream of electric sheep

finishing that first book can be a great motivator. So reading a book you know you can easily finish is good.

also, short stories are a good start

  • yellow wallpaper
  • minority report
  • all of the stories in “me talk pretty one day”
  • no one belongs here more than you

Gawdam_lush t1_j9rxn55 wrote

Read Klara and the sun. It describes my personal way of taking in the moment in fractions, though I don’t know if everyone else does this or if it’s a neurodivergent thing, as I believe that Klara’s AI is a metaphor for autistism. So such a good book.


Gawdam_lush t1_j9rxcg4 wrote

I started reading it and halfway through I realized that everyone had already ruined the ending… I thought it was the premise, and when I realized it was the plot twist I had to stop reading.

I will never forgive the booktuber who spoiled the fuck out if this books because I loved Klara and the sun, but sadly I’ll never love never let me go