
GaylrdFocker t1_iyf4sul wrote

What was the code causing the check engine light this time vs the last time? If you can't prove they are not different issues, then there is no reason to believe this light is related to the thing they just fixed. Also, why are you still taking a VW to a Honda dealership when you have no warranty? That is incredibly wasteful. Find a local mechanic that specializes in VWs. They will know more, and charge less than any dealership.


GaylrdFocker t1_iuf11o7 wrote

Is this the entire amount you are investing? Quick math is $150 per month starting at $0, and standard 7% return per year, you would be investing for about 17 years before your dividends equal your deposit. Basing this on 3% dividends, but not sure what dividend aristocrats average. Google "investment calculator" to run numbers. You should read the links below and make sure you've covered every other avenue before just using a taxable account.