
General_Mars t1_j3454vw wrote

Yes it was visually evident that something was awry. Like with anything health related, you should consult your doctor. There’s multiple different options to tell if something’s going on. Like I noted, it having an effect on my IBS was potentially coincidental/very “lucky” and not typical. As I also noted I still have issues from time to time but it’s controlled fine with OTC medicines (when needed). But yeah if I bent different ways it was quite evident that I had something wrong. You can get a hernia from sneezing, it’s not necessarily just straining. Good luck!


General_Mars t1_j2v4up7 wrote

Like I had a follow up with the surgeon first probably 3-4 weeks later and around that time I saw my GI doc and was like it’s been sooo much better since surgery - no incidents. So kinda instant I guess? But the hernia is on my lower left abdominal area. Only fatty infiltrate. Likely a surgical hernia from getting my appendix out - it was one of the original laparoscopic site areas.


General_Mars t1_j2uqcel wrote

I was diagnosed with IBS but mine improved after I had surgery to fix an abdominal hernia with mesh. My GI symptoms improved to point of not needing any further follow up. I still have the occasional issue that’s worse than a normal person, but nothing close to like it was. I have a lot of family with IBD (Chrons and UC), so I was glad I’ve seemingly dodged that bullet. Doctor said it was first time he had encountered where hernia surgery basically fixed my IBS.