
GeorgeGiffIV t1_jdfa2id wrote


GeorgeGiffIV t1_j2by7dw wrote

Dear boomer, fuck you. Congratulations asshole, you got to reap the rewards of your parents crushing nazis and the economy doing the best it has ever done. Us mellinelas are at the youngest nearly 40. Our generation has seen nothing but war and failure. Go fuck yourself.


GeorgeGiffIV t1_iz4b9rk wrote

In that case, do it up like a 1099 if you guys don't want to have it ran as if they were an employee. Make sure the individual knows that they are responsible for paying out appropriate deductions at the end of the tax year. Or, under the table with a handshake and an understanding.


GeorgeGiffIV t1_iz47fei wrote

Landscaping companies are a dime a dozen in the state. Where exactly are you guys? Usually when you hire someone for a service you pay them and then they handle paying good ole gubment what they owe.