
GetReadyToRumbleBar t1_j5577zf wrote

  • Maternal grandparents lived in DC starting in ~1952 (1 apartment is now a dorm at GWU, the other was a tenement converted from an old townhouse off Dupont)
  • Grandfather worked in the DC IBM office
  • Paternal grandparents buried at Arlington, WWII & Korea vet
  • Mother born in DC, along with her 3 siblings
  • Parents worked in the State Dept for 15+ years
  • FIL helped build numerous DC high schools, hotels and museums including the US Holocaust museum
  • Born and raised in Fairfax, attended George Mason, live in Loudoun.
  • Still in touch with ~20 friends who all went to FCPS high school with us.
  • Interned on Capitol Hill for a Congressman

I hate these questions.