
GhillieMcWilly t1_j5a4bdg wrote

Once, long before time struck its first hour, there ruled the mighty; The Undying. They toyed with their strengths, shifting the soils and dust, the ferrous liquids of the underworld, into their things. These Undying were stubborn, unyielding to the orders of the gods above whom moulded their very consciousness, who first observed in childish delight. It were not long before the feeling of cherished emotion turned to tire of their mindless frolicking. The Gods smit the Undying from their strength. No longer could they freely bend the code of Essence. In rebellion, the Undying promised to strike the gods with the very thing they loved more, their precious "Bodilies". With the Bodilies their vessels of destruction, they convinced the befleshed Bodilies to forge gems, imbuing them with the little strength of Essence they were left with.

The Blood stone, which would turn to the jewel that crested the sword of the first Holy Knight. The fleshed brick, which would guide the house of Turcs into their Golden period through conquest of the dying empires surrounding it. But most known is the Crown of the Summit Reservoir, of which, had been the centre piece of the long line of Popes.

These stones, these relics, these things, were called Corpses by its forgers and future collectors, since they tended to be found or re-discovered close to the derelict bodies of their former users.

Now, underground societies and unions persistently hunt for whoever wields the power of ancients, could rule the surrounding Life. Our little hero, Pyr, will soon see for herself the power of the ancients.