
GhostCowboy76 OP t1_j9utzkc wrote

Yeah I thanked you for the link. Seriously though, how do you feel justified for your toxic hostility? We’re discussing couches? Do you see how many other responses from kind normal functioning people who aren’t swearing at me or belittling me were provided? I obviously communicated effectively, as is documented by the other helpful responses. I have no idea what your problem is or why you feel the need to tee off on a perfect stranger for discussing furniture. I’m not looking for a specific couch. I will emphasize again, I am looking for manufacturers. Which many kind people have provided for me.

But next time I need you to think for me I’ll send you a message. I have been struggling to find an egotistical, self absorbed, pretentious creature such as yourself to fill a void in my life. Oh the fun we shall have. PM me that CC number, wouldn’t want any prying eyes to get a hold of it. Better be able to afford that gorgeous $200k yellow couch you told me about 😇


GhostCowboy76 OP t1_j9rxwu9 wrote

Wow you’re a real treasure aren’t you? I would think anybody would define a $200k couch as breaking the bank. I’m not asking anybody to pick my couch. I was asking for a manufacturer recommendation. Lovely to have met another troll of the internet in another Reddit community. Thanks for your help!