
GiantRiverSquid t1_j0oh5mp wrote

I actually got a random video for "top 5 censored Google maps locations", Sandy Island was one. I'm guessing OP watched the same video, because it also "proves that probably" it was a pumice Island and captain Cook and some random whaling ship a hundred years later were wrong

And I can't be bothered to look into any of the flimsy claims made, because I'm not a sailor and I just don't care.


GiantRiverSquid t1_iyds0kr wrote

"someone's been naughty and I'm all out of coal"

That's the joke.

The reason the joke is necessarily funny, is that we are supposed to assume Santa said it, since Santa typically brings coal to naughty children. But the image is not of Santa going down the chimney to hand deliver a coal substitute. His cheeks are squarely over the chimney hole, implying he has no intention of going down the hole himself, as Santa is no fool and knows the best way to avoid burning alive is by landing feet first. So what is he bringing instead of coal and how is it getting there? Well, again, Santa had his cheeks pressed against that smoke stack, ready to flick his trousers down and add a brownie next to the glass of milk.

I like your passionate defense of those passive sitters accused of being shitters though.