
GiddyUp18 t1_j2jrygb wrote

You’re missing the point. Replace DeSantis with any other Republican candidate. There will undoubtedly be another Republican win the popular vote in the future, as these things ebb and flow. Either way, my point still stands, that in a swing state, you run the risk of making the majority of your votes not count, by signing on to such an agreement. This thing makes sense for a state that is firmly red or blue, but not a purple state. What would be better would be proportional distribution of electoral college votes. Winner take all seems silly.


GiddyUp18 t1_j2j0pvj wrote

People act like a Republican will never win the popular vote again. There is a solid chance, if DeSantis is the GOP candidate, he will win in a landslide.

Also, I can’t imagine a state- one considered a swing state, for that matter- would give up its influence in an election by signing on to such a plan. Imagine a very real scenario in which DeSantis wins the popular vote, but PA goes to Biden by a narrow margin. Under such a system, the will of the majority of PA voters would be disregarded. This is a terrible idea.


GiddyUp18 t1_j2izrm7 wrote

Democrats are all for defending the interests of minorities, except when those minorities are political.

Also, the electoral college is only for the presidency, so that wouldn’t result in no Republican ever holding office again. Not sure what you mean by “get rid of voting districts.” The entire point of our governmental system is representation. Getting rid of voting districts would mean people in Philly voting for politicians that would represent Altoona, places that have distinctly different ideologies. That doesn’t seem very Democratic to me. It seems to me that, in a state that’s as close to 50-50 politically as any other state in the country, you want a political party with a narrow margin to rule over everyone. Why don’t you just make it easier and get the democrats to create one ring to rule them all in the dumpster fires of Philadelphia?
