
GinWithJennifer t1_j1xlqoi wrote

Holy shit!!!! Where was it??? I literally left and came back and it was fucking gone!!! Maybe I didn't see it when I came back but either way I'm 99% certain you have my solar panel

When I came back I asked the couple there if they had it and they said they just got there and didn't see anyone or my panel


GinWithJennifer OP t1_j1wo59h wrote

I went to Springfield lake since I went to James River first.

It was pretty good. I usually eat vegetarian or Prescetarian (vegetarian but with fish.) But a friend gave me this elk sausage and venison so I cooked it up and omg it was so good!!! It was sooo good I went and fed some to all my friends and they loved it. I spared everyone from the carrots.

I want to do this every weekend. Go cook in the parks with my solar panel farm and go around feeding people for free.


GinWithJennifer OP t1_j1wmpk0 wrote

Right it's just ignorance and dislike for things or people different from themselves. If you just let people be happy they might share it with their local subreddit and some people (losers) just couldn't live with that. Imagine someone just cooking on a public grill meant for everyone and anyone! No for they're entitled to it.


GinWithJennifer t1_j1g7uqo wrote

It lows the freezing point therefore lowering the melting point

You can experiment with this concept at your house too

Get a large bowl, room tempeture can of soda, salt, and ice.

Add water and a lot of salt to the bowl. Stir up so the salt is dissolved into the water

Add the can of soda

Add the ice.

Now stir. You'll notice the ice melt fast. Faster the ice melts the faster the water will become cold.

Remove the can of coke and open it and taste. Should be ice cold.

Why? Ice cools water (or whatever) by absorbing the heat from the liquid or surface. In exchange the liquid or surface is cooled. The faster it melts the faster this exchange happens. It takes a lot of energy to cool things or to heat things. They will eventually meet equilibrium and be losing cold to the air or surface they are in contact with by conduction convection and well this wasn't supposed to be a complicated explanation so we'll just leave it at that.

Your house's ac works on this same concept sort of. It's not magically spitting cold air into your house it's sucking the heat out and passing it over something cooler then returning it back to your house. In the case of hvac it's compressed gas/fluid. Altitude and atmosphere effects the properties of things like the boiling point and ok im gonna stop


GinWithJennifer t1_j1bnq5d wrote


I'm actually about to climb into my homeless cocoon

Just shook up like 8 hand warmers to start and threw them into my sleeping bag. Just trying to find the will to get in it. This was a good reminder better now than later. Got my battery packs. Like 30+ hand warmers. Toe warmers. Electric blanket. Ejected bag liner. All m blankets. Ifht ight brb

Edit: So far so good. Pain in the ass at first. Zipper broke the other day so extra care has to be taken to fold my sleeping bag. Probably get a new one or some tape or something. Let's in the slightest breeze so gonna arrange the outer most layer one more time

Edit 2: ahh warm. Hopefully tonight goes fast


GinWithJennifer t1_izm3e0s wrote

Reply to comment by budtoast in weed is legal 🪴 by ancientaroma79

It is still most likely true heuristically. I am glad it helped you but I'm replying relative to the question in OP. It won't really change much for most people. A majority of people who will smoke already smoked.