
GlampingNotCamping t1_jaa1mtr wrote

Absolutely. I also have a LA bag that has been getting continuously used as a day pack and construction bag for the past few years, 17 years after my dad bought it to hike Kilimanjaro. Badass backpack for sure


GlampingNotCamping OP t1_j4vtcef wrote

TI is functionally a tech company. There are plenty of companies out there that simply produce calculators with stagnant tech that do 90% of what people need a calculator for. The extra cost covers the last 10% and that's all R&D for batteries, software, and supporting platforms. Production of the device alone is likely much less than half the cost


GlampingNotCamping OP t1_j3z64hp wrote

I don't know what Texas Instruments is doing, but they're killing it.

This calculator got me all the way through 2 years of high school, 4 years of engineering in college, and so far 2 years of construction management. It's therefore 7-8 years old, has been on numerous jobsites, has all the necessary tools to get through every math class I took - trig, algebra I and II, Pre-Calc, Calc I, Calc II, Calc III, and Differential Equations. Just last month it was in the muddiest excavation I've ever been in, under blaring Pacific heat, and I could dependably use it for weeks without a recharge. By the way - either the battery or power consumption is incredible - my biggest stressor with this calculator is that I practically never have to charge it so I might lose the charger. That's it. The color screen makes multiple graph functions easily navigable, its software is highly versatile, it fits conveniently into pockets (much slimmer than standard TI-84's), and overall has been an amazing implement to have in my education and work.

Ill probably buy another one when this one dies in 10+ years