
GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwn03o2 wrote

Hey. Sorry I missed this question. Yes. There are. One of my favorite low budget classics is Napoleon Dynamite. Just a quirky classic and going back to old films there's The Rocky Horror show. And then with quirky British comedies there's Monty Python and the Holy Grail which is pure gold comedy wise but was shot on 220 K


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwmzku7 wrote

I don't know about everyone else but with me it was the first time I'd auditioned and gotten the role right away. Usually there's a callback or two. But with this I videoed my audition on the Sunday. Emailed it that night and by noon Tuesday got told I had the role. We shot on Wednesday and Thursday. Was super fast.


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwmqw05 wrote

I don't know if I'm allowed to reveal that yet as for the first year or so what we make goes back to the distributors. So I haven't seen anything yet. However with the ratings we've been getting I'm hoping that we'll have some coming our way by early next year (we'll have been selling for a year then)


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwmqa58 wrote

Hey Shlomo.... To be honest nobody talked about religion on set although I think I was the only Jew. The only time religion came up was when we wrapped shooting the day before Good Friday and everyone hugged each other and wished one another Happy Easter and I was like......Chag Sameach it's also Pesach!


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwmpw6n wrote

Heya. Hmm now this one's got me cause I can't give exact figures simply because I don't remember. But where I can I will. Insurance was around $4-5K. That's always a must for me. The lead actors ( except for myself) were all paid upfront (micro budget SAG rates) For the smaller cast members payment was deferred. Crew wise the DP, camera crew and head makeup artist were paid upfront. Several grand was spent on equipment. And in post a couple of grand spent on the editor, sound and musicians. Everyone else was deferred. Jon who was our editor and director kindly deferred his directing fee ( he's a good friend and had been on board the project from Day 1 so it was his baby too) A couple of grand was spent on locations (can't remember how much all up The biggest one was the movie studio we rented which I think was 7K. Although our 2 best ones - the mansion and the office were kindly given for free. And as with every movie several grand is always spent on catering and craft services because when it's low budget you want to keep everyone well fed. But yes check out the film yourself and feel free to private message me with your thoughts.


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwmnfwe wrote


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwmlned wrote

Thanks for asking. I know exactly how you feel as I've been there and done that. Good for you and your wife for being such go getters. What I do with crew is I've realised the most important members are Director, DP, Editor and Makeup Artist. If your budget is limited as mine was just make sure you have enough that Those Members are paid well ( or well according to whatever your budget is) Sound is something that can always be fixed later. I've had film students operate sound before and it's been fine. When I was new to town I found these crew members by advertising on Craigs List. Always ask for their reel or resume so you can see the value of their work. Once you have a good Key person in place like a director. They usually have a preferred DP who they work with and in the same way the DP may have a preferred camera man ( although a lot of DPs like to do their own camera work) So with me I make sure all these key positions are taken by people who are good. Anyone else doesn't have to be A list they just need to know how to work together to help create the vision. Most importantly it's good to make sure you're all on the same page and can get along as so many productions fall through through disagreements over artistic vision. PS if you'd like feedback on your movie I'm happy to give it. Feel free to private message me here.


GloriaFreeman OP t1_iwmhqeu wrote

Great question. Lots of different things inspire me. I tend to write and act though not direct as I suck at that. Lol. My latest movie " Introducing Jodea" is a comedy about the moviebiz and anyone who has worked in the film biz I'm sure can relate to it. It was inspired by many bad experiences of rejection I'd had and so I just decided to turn it into a comedy. It's on all main platforms at the moment. You can check out the trailer here So mostly true experiences are what inspire me. Turning negatives into positives.