
GlowQueen140 t1_jdi27fq wrote

Not to mention the United States is ONE country as opposed to renting a car and crossing different country borders with different laws and regulations involving rental vehicles. Also, London is right hand drive and Spain is left hand drive, not to mention the countries in between both, so that might be an issue as well. Lastly, which rental company would allow you to rent a car from country A and leave it in country B without having to pay a fortune for retrieval or something?


GlowQueen140 t1_j9iek7k wrote

This reminds of Ross in friends and how he had encouraged his wife to make more friends, and then she realised she was lesbian.

And yeah the situation totally sucks for you and please mourn your relationship. But also tell yourself that you found out before you guys decided to tie the knot.

Also, your bf is a total dillhole for not being man enough to come clean with you. You’re better off girl.