
GoArmyNG t1_j9hhhdm wrote

I did bump one of those at a gas station while backing out of a spot by the door. It was shorter and narrower than my tailgate. I couldn't see it behind me at all. I thought I had an extra 6 inches, which I would have, if the post wasn't there.... but, at the end of the day, it didn't damage my truck or the post so who cares? Lol


GoArmyNG t1_j154e3v wrote

They have such bad PR and business skills. My parents live nearby and I pass their place of business on occasion. I used to deliver chinese food for extra money and was given shit for driving a hybrid. Like.... sorry, I happen to have a car that's particularly good on gas, which makes it perfect for a job where I have to drive a lot....


GoArmyNG t1_j0z462w wrote

Westbrook cops are tough but in the right places. It's not always their fault you're getting a ticket. I took a cop to court to contest a ticket for blowing through a crosswalk with someone in it. Turns out it was a cop in street clothes with the cop that pulled me over, sitting in a driveway a few feet further down. I contested it because I had no way of seeing the pedestrian in the crosswalk because he just suddenly appeared in front of me from behind a parked car. I had to choose between running him over and going around him. So I went around.

The cop that pulled me over pulled me aside a few days after the case (I was living locally at the time) and actually commended me for using the courts to fight it out rather than trying to argue with him during the stop. I simply informed him that I would be contesting the ticket and immediately filed for a date.


GoArmyNG t1_j0u7ck2 wrote

Alright... I'll say the same thing here that I said about the Nativity Scene in Bucksport that got taken down.

A Menorah is a religious symbol. There's a reason we have separation of church and state.

Religion is like a penis. It's fine to have one. It's great to be proud of it, but DO NOT go around cramming it down others' throats. Keep it off of city/state/federal government property like town halls, court houses, etc. If you people want to be festive, hang your lights and your neutral holiday decorations, and then decorate as per your preferred religion in your own home/property.