
Go_Cart_Mozart t1_j4hnk9o wrote

That's the way the new car came. As others have said, this a problem with new cars.

And I don't have the spare 100 or so bucks lying around to get them adjusted, I apologize.


Go_Cart_Mozart t1_ixfoope wrote

I don't mean to sound glib, but things have been in and out of stock for a while now, and will continue to be for a bit. EVERYTHING can be affected by this.


Go_Cart_Mozart t1_it9q78v wrote

I was born here, lived other places, and it's well worth it.
To go along with that, it's more expensive than Kentucky.
And, you know, winter. But people on here are going to tell you it's way worse than it really is. Get a good coat and some good boots, you'll be fine.