
Gobirds831 t1_jdwwizu wrote

I live on Gordon just a quarter block south of York, but how in gods name would you cut it at Norris. York is such a large street and goes up to the circle at Frankford and is more a definitive separation of the neighborhood. Back in the day it was just easier to know your neighborhood by Parish.


Gobirds831 t1_jdw551b wrote

i think PR is one of the riverwards where people grew up there and come back there to. I feel Fishtown is an area where people grew up, got a college education and left for the burbs like much of the NE. A lot of the neighborhood people around me are an older generation or blue collar.


Gobirds831 t1_jdw4cok wrote

I would say yes and no. Fishtown was already on the trajectory of taking off with Frankford hall, Johnny Brenda's and other establishments. It will be interesting once the construction takes off North of like palmer park on Frankford. Even further north of PBC it is becoming a nice little business corridor to Lehigh.